Trail Commission Calculator


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Maximise your upfront and trail commissions by automating the analysis of your trail book. Track My Trail helps brokers uncover lost trail, identify high-value clients, and maximise your trail commissions.

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Home Loans


Commission Details


Adjacent Income Streams


Home Loans | Yearly Upfront


Home Loans | Yearly Trail


Adjacent Income | Yearly


Total Income | Yearly


Yearly Earnings Breakdown

Annual Trail Estimate (5 Years)

Summary | Annual Income Estimate

Figures show total trail income, split between home loans and adjacent income streams.


Maximise your upfront and trail commissions with automated analysis of your trail book.

Track My Trail makes it easy for brokers to keep track of lost & gained trail, discover clients who have paid off big chunks of their loans, and identify your most profitable clients.

Get Track My Trail for free today—no credit card required.

How to Calculate Commission Income for a Mortgage

Mortgage brokers have two types of commission—upfront commissions and trail commissions.

An upfront commission usually arrives soon after loan settlement. A trail commission tends to pay out monthly or annually, based on the remaining balance of the loan.

Key Steps to Calculate Commissions

  1. Determine the Loan Amount

    Identify the total funds borrowed. This figure underpins both upfront and trail calculations.

  2. Apply the Upfront Commission Rate

    Multiply the loan amount by the upfront commission percentage. For example, a $400,000 loan at 1.0% would produce an upfront commission of $4,000.

  3. Calculate the Trail Commission

    Take the same loan amount and multiply it by the trail commission percentage. Using a 0.15% rate on a $400,000 loan leads to an annual trail of $600.

  4. Factor in Multiple Loans

    Sum the commission from each loan if multiple loans settle every year. A higher volume of annual settlements means more cumulative commission.

Example with Sample Rates

  • Number of Loans Settled per Year: 50
  • Average Loan Amount: $400,000
  • Upfront Commission (1.0%): $4,000 per loan
  • Trail Commission (0.15%): $600 per loan per year

Multiply each figure by the total number of settled loans to get the combined total. Upfront commissions for the year could reach $200,000 (50 × $4,000), and the trail could be $30,000 (50 × $600) in the first year.

Each mortgage aggregator has their own guidelines and rates. Always confirm exact rates and payment frequencies.